Tuesday, May 20, 2008

May 19: The lesser of the evils

SIDE EFFECTS FOR THIS DAY: left groin pain (pain rating 5); lower back pain (4); side pain (2); headaches (2); very tired; lack of focus; increased hot flashes/night sweats; problems with sleep.

My energy levels are better though I find that I tire easily. I at least have bursts of energy in which I can get things done. Driving is much easier. Running a vacuum cleaner and other household chores are now possible. I don't know if I was turning a corner on the Lupron, if it is the Lo-Estrin, or if it the cycling off, but day-to-day things are getting better. I'm getting back to pre-Lupron state, which I never thought was a blessing before, but it sure looks like a better place to be now.

My throat is very swollen today and my voice hates me. Good thing there is no concert today! I'm trying to do as little phonating as possible. My larynx feels like a Mac truck in there.

The groin pain and lack of sleep is what it is: nothing new.


My Endo Journey said...

Glad to see that things are easing up! I hope that things are only looking more positive in the days ahead!

JustMeNmyGSD said...

Reading your symptoms was like reading my written journal. I actually just had my throat swabbed, I had an infection 2 weeks prior to that (along with 15 other infections in the past 6 mos), but it came back normal. Most of my tests come back normal, although I'm in pain 24/7. I can so understand the spurts of energy to get things done, then I'm back in bed. Thank you for getting this info out there. I'm in a group called lupronvictoms on yahoo, and there is also a site made, www.lupronexposed.com
I feel like I'm slowly dying, but noone can tell me why.
I hope you keep up with the journal, it's this and the groups that make me feel not so alone in this horrible journey I've been on after being injected with the poison. It's been almost 10 years for me.
Hugs, Lynn