Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April 14: The other shoe

SIDE EFFECTS FOR THIS DAY: headaches (pain rating 5); left groin pain (pain rating 1); pain on left side (1); general lower back pain (1); lower ab muscles weak; white noise in ears; hot flashes/night sweats; exhausted.

So this was the third time in the last month in which I had two consecutive days that were okay. This has happened approximately a week apart each time. Is this a pattern? The other two times I had some of my worst days immediately following. Tonight, I could feel the headaches ramping again and I took a Fioricet. It seems to help... I think? We'll see what tomorrow brings. (Tomorrow is also my 2nd shot).

I received an informative email today from a brave gal in Canada who has a similar story to mine. Frighteningly, she had been doing okay on Lupron after she got past the initial flare until her fourth month. Then all hell broke loose. I do not understand how this drug works or why that would happen to her. Her side effects were so severe that she discontinued use and did not complete the full six months. She is now sixteen weeks past her last shot and described herself as someone that feels like an old woman. Prior to this treatment, she was athletic and slim.

Is there any kind of comfort level that can be reached for those of us that get the side effects or are we left navigating our lives as though we are walking on eggshells waiting for the other shoe to drop?

1 comment:

AmandaJB said...

Thinking of you and wishing you the best for your shot tomorrow. Hope it goes OK. Amanda