Friday, May 9, 2008

May 8: Triggers

SIDE EFFECTS FOR THIS DAY: headaches (pain rating 2); left groin pain (pain rating 4); ovarian pain (4); lower back pain (4); leg pain (2); pain on right side (2); chest pain (5); tingling in fingers; lower ab muscles weak; hot flashes/night sweats; problems with sleep; nightmares; exhaustion.

I fell asleep twice this afternoon/evening from being exhausted, but I did get out to walk 20 blocks between rain storms.

My sleep is being interrupted by vivid nightmares combined with chest pain and numbness/tingling in my right hand. I've got no answers on that one! I know how some people feel as though the hot flashes wake them, for me it seems as though the trigger to the hot flash is waking me... whatever that trigger is. After I wake, I noticed I have about a minute before the hot flash hits. Or at least it seemed in the last 24 hours.

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