Sunday, April 27, 2008

April 27: I had a good day

SIDE EFFECTS FOR THIS DAY: headaches (pain rating 3); left groin pain (pain rating 7); pain on sides (4); lower back pain (4); lower ab muscles weak; hot flashes/night sweats; weakness and tiredness; reduced mobility.

Just wanted to post this quickly and will fill in the rest later... the performance was fine. No headaches. Of course, I'm still having problems with the supported breath from the lower abs, but I was fine. I lost myself in the music. Isn't that the point?

From morning until about 6pm, I had a very good day. Perfect, since I sang early in the day. By 6pm, things started creeping in... headaches, blurred vision, intense groin pain and then pain that feel ovulatory (how is that possible since I am supposed to be in menopause?) I'm so thankul I made it through the really important part of the day. Now I can sleep.

1 comment:

My Endo Journey said...

I was noticing "ovulatory" type cramps this evening. What's up with that?! Glad everything went well!