Monday, April 21, 2008

March 21: Okey-dokey

SIDE EFFECTS FOR THIS DAY: headaches (pain rating 1); left groin pain (pain rating 1); pain on sides (7); lower back pain (7); lower ab muscles weak; hot flashes/night sweats; needle-like feeling in legs; better energy during the day but exhausted by night.

Today was not too bad in terms of energy level. The headaches were at a minimum, but the pain in my lower back and sides was much worse. Oddly, because my energy was so much better, it wasn't as troubling to me. I still managed to get a lot done though I am tiring sooner. I would have to say this is a step in the right direction. I'm hoping it holds through the weekend.

I am noticing the hot flashes during the day are much more frequent, several times an hour. It still doesn't bother me perhaps because I've always had a low temperature. This is the first time I can remember not being constantly cold.

I am drifting though so I should head to bed. Funny that I used to stay up until 3a or 4a. That's not yet returned.

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