Monday, May 12, 2008

May 11: Tired

SIDE EFFECTS FOR THIS DAY: headaches (pain rating 3); left groin pain (pain rating 6); lower back pain (4); fleeting needle-like pain in shoulder/neck; exhaustion; lack of focus; hot flashes/night sweats; problems with sleep; nightmares.

I was so tired. I had to wake up early for a Sunday appointment an hour away. The appointment was draining so I would imagine much of my exhaustion was from that. I was so drained that I had no appetite afterwards, no energy, no focus and went back to sleep as soon as I could.

I also went to bed, again, early in the evening.

1 comment:

AmandaJB said...

You poor thing! I was seriously concerned to see what sort of day you had today. Please try to rest up when you can and know that people are sending their best to you. When are you due your next jab - if you have it? I'm thinking it must be soon. Take care, Amanda