Saturday, May 17, 2008

May 16: Back in the saddle

SIDE EFFECTS FOR THIS DAY: headaches (pain rating 1); left groin pain (pain rating 5); lower back pain (4); side pain (5); exhaustion; lack of focus; hot flashes/night sweats; problems with sleep.

Today I cooked a four-course meal for the first time in months. I've missed cooking. It's something I enjoyed for years and this past year, cooking has been markedly absent. It was nice to have a little energy to stand and create.

I slept horribly again last night, with vivid nightmares, interrupted sleep, etc. Groin pain is worse at night, as it always has been. It's very difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep in.

My doc advised me to start my bcp again so I am back to the Lo-Estrin. Should be interesting to see what happens as my body takes time to process through the Lupron and the intake of the Lo-Estrin.


My Endo Journey said...

When do you start the BCP? I hope the transition goes over well.

YUM, a four course meal?!?! I am still trying to decide what's for dinner here, and it's almost 9 PM. ;) I love to cook too. I wish I had more time!

Lupron Journal said...

I started two days ago (Friday). I'm keeping my fingers crossed too!