Tuesday, March 25, 2008

March 25: Reprieve

SIDE EFFECTS FOR THIS DAY: headaches (pain rating 1); left groin, left side transverse colon meridian (pain rating 3); hot flashes during night only; left leg pain (pain rating 2); knee pain (pain rating 2); Hip pain (pain rating 3); Elbow pain (pain rating 3); heart racing/palpitations.

Today is like a much needed rain storm during a drought. I had a hard time sleeping last night, up until 4.30a, and I might have over-medicated. But the pain was so much less today. Who could have predicted that after yesterday being so bad? The headaches were virtually non-existent, which made it easier to deal with everything else. Now I realize just how taxing the headaches are. I was pretty foggy today... again probably too many meds. But at least I didn't hurt much. Thank God for small victories.

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